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Zunaid Ahmed Palak (MP)
Honourable State Minister of ICT Division, Bangladesh

Zunaid Ahmed Palak born 17 May 1980) is a Bangladeshi lawyer and politician from the Bangladesh Awami League party and a member of the Parliamentary Treasury Bench.

He is the youngest Member of Parliament (MP) in the National Assembly of Bangladesh from his ancestral area of Singra in Natore of Rajshahi. His victory in the National Elections of 2008 at the age of just 28 resulted in him being referred to as the Youngest Lawmaker of Bangladesh. He is also a Forecaster of Singra Damdama Pilot School and College. He is known as a favourite person for Youth.

Early career and education

Ahmed was born in Faiz Uddin Ahmed-Zamila Ahmed family at Singra Upazila of Natore District. He was educated at Dhaka College with a MSS and then an LLB, and later became a young lawyer and then advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. His father was also a politician. In 14, he participated in the 1st Asia Pacific Jamboree held in Mouchak, Gazipur in 1994 as a team leader.

Political career

Ahmed Palak said if it would be possible to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. It would also be possible to elevate Bangladesh's official status to be a more developed country from the current state. To achieve this by 2015 he gave importance on initiatives on private sectors and the government. He emphasised on planned work in the parliamentary constituency basis together with the government. In this regard, he said in his constituency there are more than two thousand people engaged with rickshaw or van pulling and most of them do not have their own vehicle for financial constraints. So, they are unwilling to accept family planning or sending their children to the school. But if we take an initiative to give them a rickshaw on some condition and to became an owner of a rickshaw for the rickshaw puller with condition that they will send their children to school or accept family planning, etc. This could be done in project basis. Otherwise we can take it as a model to make marginalised poor people self-depended. That will be further step forward achieving MDGs.

The Vice-Chairman of All-Party Parliamentary Groups, which includes Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jatiya Party, he is also a key member of the Committee of Climate Change and Environment, with the support from United Nations Development Program and Oxfam, and one of the APPG delegation members headed by Saber Hossain Chowdhury, participated in the IPCCC conference in July 2009 before the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference at the House of Commons of the United Kingdom in London. Ahmed said that for lawmakers it's very important to know the reasons of any sort of natural calamity before trying to prevent it. He also talked about the dynamics of climate change, its affects to mass people so that the population both educated and illiterate can have a huge general conscious about it. Ahmed also was a committee member where he planned to incorporate "Green Technologies" into its office building principles, to reduce carbon emissions into the environment. He said that the building of offices and residences using green technology would not release any carbon to environment, while the wastes of houses and offices will be recycled and to produce energy. He also expressed that a delegation from India was on their way to discuss different technological issues including building of zero carbon emitting buildings.
Reference: Wikipedia | Zunaid Ahmed Palak
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