Do you think that the non-resident Bengalis should have the right to vote in the upcoming election? Justify your answer. What do you think will be the proper way to implement the voting system?
Second Generation Scholars and Professionals are the individuals who were born or raised outside of Bangladesh but their parents are originally from Bangladesh. wants to recognize these scholars and professionals through this site and is providing a web place where they can meet each other and share any ideas and thoughts to help develop Bangladesh.
1. Please select the professional category that match your profession from the drop down menus provided on the form and apply it to your biography. If the category that best suits you are not provided then use "other" category and proceed.
2. For the "student" category
# MS field is only applicable to the students who are located outside of Bangladesh
# FRCS/JD/MD/PHD applies for all the students worldwide
3. For the "teaching" category
# High School and College teaching is only applicable to the teachers who are teaching outside of Bangladesh
# University teaching applies for the teachers worldwide
Do you think that the non-resident Bengalis should have the right to vote in the upcoming election? Justify your answer. What do you think will be the proper way to implement the voting system?