Salah Uddin Moon
British Columbia, Canada
globalization good for Bangladesh?
Mohammad Salah
Uddin Moon
British Columbia, Canada
One night
I was chatting on-line in a Yahoo chat room at home in Bangladesh. Suddenly
my grandfather came into my room and asked me, What are you doing
now? Its 3 oclock in the morning, go to sleep. I told him,
I cant go to bed now
I am chatting
please dont
be angry with me. He surprisingly asked me, Whats that?
I told him, I am talking to a teenage girl in Brazil. He seemed
to think I had become mad. He was astonished to hear about online communication.
His comment was, You have become too modern. Yes I agreed
with him, but how are we modern? Bangladesh has a reputation as one of
the poorest countries in the world. We struggle with poverty and hunger,
but globalization gives us more freedom to fight poverty and hunger. However,
Bangladesh has become a modern country after opening its borders to free
trade and investment.